Topic Teams provide topic specific resource people and recommendations for high impact actions for cities. Topic Teams also support groups of cities to implement high impact actions together through adopting model ordinances, projects and campaigns to advance
Clean Energy
Efficient Buildings

Clean Energy
City operations, local solar, community-wide access
Action 1. Procuring Renewable Energy for City Operations
Action 2. Solar Ready Building Construction City-owned buildings, businesses, multifamily
Action 3. Expanding Rooftop Solar within City Businesses, Institutions (schools), Residents
Action 4. Support Legislation to Continue Xcel Energy’s Solar Rewards in 2021
Action 5. Cities commenting on Xcel’s Integrated Resource Plan (IRP)

Energy Efficient Buildings www.rccmn.co/buildings
New building construction and existing building retrofits
Action 1. Adopt an Energy Benchmarking Ordinance
Action 2. Commercial & Multifamily Engagement Partners in Energy, PACE, Cost Share Grants
Action 3. Adopt a Sustainable Building Policy
Action 4. New Buildings – Educating Developers Xcel design assistance, PACE funding
Action 5. Supporting Legislation or Statewide Policy Improvements net-zero construction
Action 6. Truth in Sale of Housing Inspections Adding an energy audit and energy score
Action 7. Cities comments on Inclusive Financing docket with the PUC

Transportation/ Land Use
Action 1. Support sustained state, regional & county transit investments. Reprioritize spending
Action 2. Prioritize pedestrians, bikes, transit in the public right of ways complete streets
Action 3. Plan for equitable in-fill redevelopment Net Zero, Equitable, Walkable, TOD
Action 4. Support increased adoption of Electric Vehicles City Fleets, E.V. Charging Ordinance
Action 5. Shared Mobility Joint powers agreements to regulate shared mobility modes

Adaptation/ Resilience
Develop a community/wide climate vulnerability assessment and resilience action plan (#BP 29) coordinating with County All Hazard Mitigation Plan
Implement Green Infrastructure and improve soil health to infiltrate storm water on site (BP # 17)
Adopt urban tree canopy coverage & diversity goals that increase over time