RCC is supporting citizen and city leaders to partner with their counties to wisely invest new federal funds to build climate-resilient, low-carbon transportation, storm-water and electric vehicle infrastructure, energy efficient homes and businesses and communities, and reverse racial wealth gaps through small business and workforce development.
Join us this week to learn about new Federal Funding Opportunities Contact: Sean Gosiewski, RCC, 612 250-0389 sean@rccmn.co https://rccmn.co/minneapolis/ MPCA RETAP Member MN GreenStep Cities Best Practice Advisor BPA#24 Benchmarks and Community Engagement,
- Energy Foundation’s Federal Implementation Round-Up, Wed, Oct 4th, 9am – 4pm at the Sabathani Community Center, 310 E 38th Street in Mpls, 55409 Lunch provided. Optional Happy Hour RSVP: Here The deadline to register is this Friday, Sept 29th at 5pm. https://rccmn.co/federal-implementation-mn-updates/Agenda and Speakers – In-depth discussion with local experts on the implementation of the federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Inflation Reduction Act, and the CHIPS Science Act. With an eye toward the 2024 legislative session, how do we position stakeholders to capitalize on the historic federal climate investments, and ensure all Minnesotans benefit?
- MPCA Webinar on EPA CPRP Grants for MN Cities, Thurs Oct 5, 1pm to 2pm LINK to Join Webinar New information from the EPA and next steps for the Climate Pollution Reduction Grants program and how MN Cities can prepare to apply for implementation grants with support from the EPA, MPCA and Met Council. (details below) https://www.pca.state.mn.us/business-with-us/climate-pollution-reduction-grants
- GreenStep Workshops IRA Ambassador Program Thurs Oct. 5: (9:00am-10:00am) on Zoom
Update on Federal Funding Opportunities
MN GreenStep Cities Federal Funding Update https://greenstep.pca.state.mn.us/node/104426
- Funding opportunities landing pagehttps://www.transportation.gov/grants/dot-navigator/bipartisan-infrastructure-law-funding-opportunities
- State Aid for Local Transportation https://www.dot.state.mn.us/stateaid/iija.html
- Upcoming Notice of Funding Opportunity Announcements in 2022 https://www.transportation.gov/bipartisan-infrastructure-law/key-notices-funding-opportunity
US Department of Transportation
- USDOT Navigator https://www.transportation.gov/dot-navigator
- Competitive grant programs local governments can apply to directly https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/bipartisan-infrastructure-law/grant_programs.cfm
MN Department of Commerce
- Landing page for funding and resources https://mn.gov/commerce/industries/energy/policy/federal-bipartisan-infrastructure-law.jsp#iijasignup
MN Department of Employment and Economic Development
- IIJA broadband funding https://mn.gov/deed/programs-services/broadband/infrastructure/
- Infrastructure funding (state and federal) https://mn.gov/deed/government/financial-assistance/infrastructure/
White House BUILD Resources
- White House BUILD Guidebook https://www.whitehouse.gov/build/
- White House Technical Assistance Guide https://www.whitehouse.gov/build/technical-assistance-guide/
- White House BUILD Rural Playbook https://www.whitehouse.gov/build/rural/
- White House BUILD Tribal Playbook https://www.whitehouse.gov/build/bipartisan-infrastructure-law-tribal-playbook/
City-County Climate Action with Federal Infrastructure & Build Back Better Funds Thursday December 2 2021 Join us at 1pm or 6:30pm Conversation with city & county staff, elected & citizen leaders. AGENDA
Briefing/Q & A on Federal Build Back Better & Infrastructure Funds that will becomeavailable for MN cities & counties – Dr. Peter Wyckoff, Energy & Environment Advisor, Office of Senator Tina Smith &/or other MN Congressional Delegation staffers (pending BBB approval)
MN State Agency staff& County Commissioners share opportunities for coordinating & leveraging local investments. Topic Conversations – Transportation (E.V. Infrastructure, transit) Renewable Energy, Weatherization, Climate Resilience, Green Jobs/Workforce
U.S. Senate deal would boost Minnesota’s infrastructure
Senate plan promises billions for Minn. roads, bridges, public transportation, internet. By Hunter Woodall Star Tribune AUGUST 3, 2021
What Minnesota’s delegation loves and hates about the Senate’s big infrastructure deal
In need of 60 votes to pass the evenly divided Senate, the bill is full of compromises.
By Ashley Hackett | Aug. 4, 2021 MINN POST Story
Need help?
- Check out the League of Minnesota Cities Grant Navigator
- Check with your regional development commission if located within one.
- MN Council of Nonprofits grant writing/seeking courses are open to the public (filter using “fundraising & Grantseeking”).
- Connecting Rural Communities with Historic Federal Clean Energy Investments (ACEEE and Great Plains Institute)
- Federal Funding Opportunities for Local Decarbonization (American Cities Climate Challenge)
The federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, became law on November 15, 2021. The IIJA authorized $1.2 trillion in funding opportunities across a wide variety of infrastructure subject areas, including:
- Energy – Funding opportunities authorized under IIJA include grid modernization, new electric transmission, energy system resiliency and reliability updates, electric vehicle charging infrastructure, improvement to the energy efficiency of buildings, smart manufacturing, carbon capture and carbon utilization projects, renewable energy technologies and demonstration projects and other innovative initiatives.
- MN Dept. of Commerce: available grants, email updates, and opportunities to partner on funding.
- Transportation – provides higher funding levels and many new formula and discretionary grant programs that will expand the definition of transportation infrastructure and address health and community-driven outcomes.
- MnDOT: available grants and information about formula funding.
- DOT Navigator, US DOT: technical assistance to help communities understand the best ways to apply for grants, and to apply for and deliver transformative infrastructure projects and services.
- Water Infrastructure
- More resources:
- IIJA Guidebook: a roadmap for all available funding for state, local, tribal, and other territorial leaders. See also the Tribal and Rural playbooks.
- MN Senate Fiscal Issue Brief: provides an overview of IIJA funding coming to Minnesota.
CERTS IRA: what you need to know www.cleanenergyresourceteams.org/inflation-reduction-act-what-you-need-know
Clean Energy to Communities Program: Peer-Learning Cohorts – U.S. DOE NREL
Intro Webinar – Friday, Sept. 29, 2023 Noon to 1pm Central Register for WebinarC2C Peer-Learning Cohorts
Clean Energy to Communities Program: Peer-Learning Cohorts – U.S. DOE NREL (C2C) offers peer-learning cohorts to advance local clean energy goals. https://www.nrel.gov/state-local-tribal/c2c-peer-learning-cohorts.html
Intro Webinar – Friday, Sept. 29, 2023 Noon to 1pm Central Register for Webinar
C2C Peer-Learning Cohorts Apply by Oct 31 2023
Clean Energy to Communities (C2C) offers peer-learning cohorts to advance local clean energy goals. Cohorts are funded by the U.S. Department of Energy and managed by NREL with support from the World Resources Institute. Peer-learning cohorts are multi-community engagements that convene regularly for approximately 6 months to exchange strategies and best practices, learn in a collaborative environment, and workshop policy or program proposals, action plans, or strategies to overcome challenges around a common clean energy transition topic. Lab experts provide a cohort of up to 15 communities with education, case studies, analysis and modeling tools, templates, trainings, and facilitated collaboration to enable accelerated clean energy progress.