As we work to clean up the outdoor air in our neighborhoods and cities we can also support households to take actions to improve their indoor air quality which can have a big impact on reducing asthma and other respiratory related illnesses.

ROCIS (Reducing Outdoor Contaminants in Indoor Spaces) a Community Based Initiative in Pittsburg, PA to improving indoor air quality and health outcomes through home air sealing and by distributing low cost-effective home air filters

30 MN Radio Interview

EPA Interactive Tour of the Indoor Air Quality Demo House

How to build a Box Fan Filter

The Corsi–Rosenthal Box, (Box Ban Filter) is a design for a do-it-yourself air purifier that can be built comparatively inexpensively. It was designed during the COVID-19 pandemic, with the goal of reducing the levels of airborne viral particles in indoor settings. The filtration units can be assembled in around fifteen minutes, last for months, and cost between $50 and $150 in materials

  • Clean Air Crew How to build DIY box fan filters Corsi Rosenthal box Also known as a Corsi-Rosenthal box, this DIY method of building your own air filter with MERV13 furnace filters and a box fan are an easy and cost-effective way to help clear indoor air from airborne virus particles, wildfire smoke, pollen, dust, and more!

Building Performance Institute Healthy Housing Principles Certificate

  • At home on-line open book test to get the Certificate
  • Training Weatherization Crews and Contractors on Healthy Homes Principals
  • Local contact person Kevin Brauer

Anyone interested in the connection between human health symptoms and the possible home issues that could be causing them should consider earning the Healthy Housing Principles Certificate.