THANKS attending our Feb 17 Collaborative Federal Grants Workshop! Please us for our follow up conversation

Exploring a Collaborative EPA Community Change Grant for equitable workforce and small business development to cut CO2

This Friday March 8th 10am to 11am on Zoom

and/or fill out our short survey to let us know your organization or department’s level of interest and how you can help & we’ll invite you to our next meeting with more notice.  

Resilient Cities and Communities supports the Green Economy and Workforce Goals and Strategies in the Draft Minneapolis Climate Equity Plan

They line up well with the Clean Economy Goals in the State of MN Climate Action Framework & Hennepin Co Climate Action Plan.

Resilient Cities and Communities recommends adding a strategy to mobilize external partnerships and needed resources.

ADD Strategy 9 – Coordinate quarterly with state, county &, nonprofit, business & union workforce development partners to

  • plan and secure funding to scale up the green business and workforce development programs & investments for all sectors –
  • to meet the increased need for skilled contractors and employees for all the Goal Areas of the Minneapolis Climate Equity Plan

Related Tasks

  • Meet quarterly with Green (Clean) Economy & Workforce coordinating team i.e. – City of Minneapolis, DEED, Hennepin Pathways, Hennepin-Carver Workforce Development Board, City of Minneapolis, CEE, Unidos, Unions, Utilities, etc. 
  • Document relevant workforce & business development goals in the State, Metro, County workforce development board plans
  • Sync up with MPCA and Met Council EPA Climate Pollution Reduction Grant – workforce and business development planning,
  • Ask the teams developing implementation plans for all Climate Equity Plan goal areas to work with their partners to
    • quantify the anticipated future need for contractors and employees as implementation for their sector scales up city-wide, metro-wide and state-wide  
    • quantify current percentage for their sector and set a stretch goal for increasing the number of minority, women-owned and small business contractors and employees for their sector
    • document for their sector relevant business and workforce development resources for their sector (federal, state, county, nonprofit, business, union, utility, etc.)
  • Coordinate scaling up of the needed business and workforce development resources and programs – across jurisdictions and with external partners.
  • This will be easier by managing implementation in a Collaborative Strategy Engagement Platform Insight Vision (nationally recognized)

Action 28. Establish purchasing preferences/scoring that support local, Minority, Disability, and Women-Owned businesses and, working with a local business association, develop a list of locally-produced products and suppliers for common purchases. GSC BPA# 15.3  MN OES, Contracting for Equity: Local Governments

Action 29. County Workforce Development Board brings together, cities, employers, schools, unions, utilities & minority contractors to plan ways to wisely invest IIJA Workforce Development funds to expand equitable access to green workforce development, hiring, business development & contracting opportunities  Example: St. Paul/Ramsey Co./ Unions/Chamber  Resources: MN Workforce Development Board, Local  Workforce Development Boards, MN WIOA Plan , Study: Four proven ways to invest new federal IIJA funds to create good jobs, boost equity, and support good value.

 Ramsey County Green Construction Careers and Trends report.

Ramsey County Green Jobs Green Futures Virtual Summit Fri Nov 19 2021 virtual summit to build a shared understanding of the green jobs ecosystem in our region and spread the word about how to access career pathways and opportunities in St. Paul to build our vibrant, sustainable future.

This event is presented in partnership by Ramsey County, the Ramsey County Workforce Innovation Board, the City of St. Paul and the St. Paul Area Chamber, with the goal to provide workforce and career professionals with insights and information about green career opportunities in St. Paul. Speakers will share their own stories, current trends, workforce needs and opportunities and pathways for job seekers to explore.