Hello Neighbors! RSVP to join us for our fun three-part conversation! (ZOOM and In Person Options) https://forms.gle/jwQtfmUov2DWXa6j7
Corcoran Community Conversations to Recycle More & Waste Less

Corcoran Recycling Conversation with neighbors Monday April 4 7pm to 8:30pm AGENDA
- Or IN PERSON with DINNER at the
Sky Without Limits Coop Office 3112 22nd Ave S. (Up to 20 apartment residents participating in will receive a $150 gift card)
Los residentes multifamiliares que participen pueden recibir una tarjeta de regalo de $150

- See our March 22 Corcoran Ideas to Recycle More
- Preview the Hennepin County Waste Management Overview Amy will give
- Add your ideas (post it notes) to our Corcoran Recycles Jam Board
- Download the Home Waste Audit (English & Spanish)
- Invite more neighbors to add their ideas Corcoran Zero Waste Survey
- Visit our Corcoran Recycles table at the Midtown Farmers Market Sat May 7 9am to Noon

Join us for our Corcoran Neighborhood Spring Clean Up
Sunday April 3 2022 3pm-4:30pm
2 options start at Corcoran Park 3334 20th Ave S or at Blue Line Flats at 32nd St and 24th Ave
Gloves, litter grabbers and garbage & recycling bags will be provided

Our Corcoran Recycling Conversation is generating values, priorities & solutions that will guide the
- Work Groups this summer as they develop the strategies in Hennepin County’s
- Zero Waste Plan to increase recycling & waste diversion from 50 % to 90% county-wide

Corcoran Neighborhood Organization, Renters United/Inquilinxs Unidxs , RCC and our 22nd Ave Block Club are collaborating with Hennepin County Environment and Energy to learn about resident’s experiences with managing trash and recycling to inform the development of the county’s ZERO WASTE PLAN. to increase waste diversion from 50% up to 90% county-wide. We are looking for 30 participants to attend a series of three community conversation in March and April to dig a little deeper into how you get rid of stuff and how to recycle more.