Check out our sample High Impact city, county and state policies and projects for Clean Energy, Efficient Buildings, Low Carbon Transportation & Resilience Including
City Level Resources – Sample Ordinances, Projects, Case Studies (see below) and
State Policy Resources – legislative & administrative policy proposals
Model Ordinances for Cities
Updated Model Ordinances for Sustainable Development https://greenstep.pca.state.mn.us/page/ordinances
Urban Sustainability Directors Network: High Impact Practices https://www.usdn.org/projects.html
Model ordinances for deep de-carbonization (LPDD) Cities Climate Law Initiative, Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia University https://lpdd.org/
Sustainable Development Code (SDC) https://sustainablecitycode.org/ is organized into 32 subject areas (called subchapters), such as climate change, wind energy, energy conservation and efficiency, urban forestry, and coastal hazards