On behalf of the Resilient Cities & Communities staff, volunteers and Board – THANK YOU! With your help, we are supporting & connecting citizen & city leaders active with 50 MN cities to meet our 2030 & 2050 climate goals on time.

Together we can help new federal & state climate funding to get implemented!

Make year-end gift to help meet RCC’s $20k goal to sustain our next steps in 2025 connecting residents, cities & counties to get local projects done!

Please consider becoming a monthly donor, or make a one-time donation today! Together, we will build vibrant, equitable and resilient communities and protect the resources we and future generations depend on.

Your contribution of $50, $100, $250, $500 or more will help us advance our mission in 2022 and beyond.

We also welcome businesses and nonprofits to contribute as Sponsors/ Business Partners of RCC.

You can make a gift by mailing your check to:

Resilient Cities and Communities

2730 East 31st Street
Minneapolis MN 55406

Your contribution is tax deductible. EIN 20-5001106

Resilient Cities and Communities is a 501 c3 nonprofit incorporated in the State of MN with the MN Secretary of State, Charities Division

Registration with MN Attorney General

Guidestar Gold Transparency www.guidestar.org/profile/20-5001106