Local Outdoor Air Quality & Best Practices to Improve It See the video and power point slides from this excellent MN Green Step City Workshop, presented live on October 19, 2022, to learn about best practices for decreasing air contaminates and improving air quality in your community. https://mngreenstepcities.blogspot.com/2022/10/local-outdoor-air-quality-best.html
Learn about effective strategies to improve indoor air and health

RCC Comments Supporting the CLEAN AIR Goals in the Minneapolis Climate Equity Plan
The EPA, MPCA meeting with Phillips residents on Smith Foundry Air Permit Violations showed community support for our City to advance solutions with community, state and federal partners. https://www.pca.state.mn.us/events-and-meetings/smith-foundry-update-2023-11-27
Lets move forward with- CEAC, the Green Zones Committees & city and county staff and nonprofit partners co- implementing our Mpls Climate Equity Plan goal Strategy AIR.2. Co-convene, quarterly City/ county/community air quality working group meetings to maintain mutual transparency & accountability to act on air quality data. Lead(s): SHHE, MPCA, and Hennepin County

Address cumulative air quality impacts (and heat islands) in priority areas through City-County-Community Collaboration with North & South Side Green Zones
- In areas with high asthma & heart disease rates, conduct cumulative air quality impact studies and plan & implement actions to reduce point source & mobile source air pollution, electrify busses & heavy vehicles, prevent highway expansion, mitigate air pollution through tree planting and reach out to households experiencing asthma to improve indoor air quality & boost health care participation and health outcomes.

Resources MPCA Air Quality, MDH Air Quality, Climate & Health,
- MPCA Interactive Map Areas of EJ Concern, MN DOT Sustainability & Public Health,
- City of Mpls Health Dept. Air Quality
- Minneapolis Green Zones,
- Our Streets Minneapolis/i94
- Hennepin Co. Climate Action Plan (p. 22) Air Quality Strategy
- Hennepin Co. Public Health Climate Action Committee
- MN EJ Table/Frontline Communities, MCEA, Clean Air MN

- Address climate risks (flooding, heat, air quality, backup power). Preserve & restore natural resources & manage invasive species. Strengthen community connections (CERT Teams, Resilience Hubs)
- Learn about & give feedback to strengthen Hennepin County’s Natural Resources Plan during our Oct 6, City County Climate Action Conference afternoon & evening Resilience sessions.

City/County Coordinated Investments
Expand tree canopy through coordinated county-city investments – focus on equity & heat islands
Integrate Resilience in infrastructure through coordinated county-city investments (Fed IIJA Funds)
Update & co-implement County-Wide All Hazard Mitigation (emergency preparedness) & Natural Resources Plans with county, cities and community-based organizations. https://www.hennepin.us/residents/emergencies/emergency-management