Cities & Counties Climate Action with American Rescue Plan Funds Mon Nov 15 6:30pm to 8:00pm on Zoom
Please RSVP to receive zoom Link Facebook
Explore with volunteers active with City Commissions and citizen coalition ways our cities and counties can make the most of future investments of Federal American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds for economic recovery affordable housing, public health, climate resilience & workforce development.
Please RSVP to receive the zoom link. Face Book Event
6:30pm Reps from each community will share updates on their current sustainability & climate initiatives and how their City or County has invested Federal ARP funds so far.
7:00pm County Conversations – Explore with other leaders in your county ways our cities can make the most of remaining ARP funds & existing city/county budgets to achieve our goals.
7:30pm Topic Conversations – Share ways to advance Green Jobs/Workforce Development, Transportation/ Transit, Energy, Energy Efficient Affordable Housing, Climate Resilience
Build Back Better Briefing dec 2 1pm or 6:3opm
Cities & Counties Climate Action with Federal Build Back Better Climate Funding
Thurs Dec 2 Two Options 1:00pm or 6:30pm Central Zoom Conversation (Tentative Date, if the Build Back Better Package is approved before Thanksgiving) Please RSVP to receive the zoom Link
Option 1 Thurs 12/2 Afternoon1pm to 2:30pm RSVP
Option 2 Thurs 12/2 Evening6:30pm to 8:00pm RSVP
- Briefing and Q and A on Build Back Better Climate Funding – Dr. Peter Wyckoff, Energy and Environment Policy Advisor, Office of Senator Tina Smith (Invited Presenter)
- Topic Conversations – Transportation (E.V. Infrastructure, transit) Renewable Energy, Energy Efficient Housing, Climate Resilience, Green jobs/Workforce
The Zoom Webinar will be recorded and posted here.