- Oct 6 Zero Waste Topic Sessions 1 to 2pm & 6:30pm to 7:15 PM Zoom
- Oct 6 Zero Waste RII Background Slides
- Oct 6 Zero Waste High Impact City Actions
- Oct 6 Zero Waste Jam Board
- Oct 6 Hennepin County Zero Waste Planning
- Oct 6 Minneapolis Zero Waste Plan update

- Zero Waste High Impact Actions
Action 37. Adopt policies to demonstrably increase materials reuse and/or organics collection, commercial food waste prevention GSC BP#22
Action 38. Adopt a construction and demolition waste ordinance that requires reuse/recycling GSC BP#22.8
OPTIONAL – Initiate Organized Collection – Improve/organize residential trash, recycling and organics collection by private and/or public operations and offer significant volume-based pricing on residential garbage and/or incentives for recycling. GSC BP#22.7

City/County Coordinated Investments
Action 39. Update County-Wide Solid Waste Master Plan & expand city/county/community implementation partnerships to set and achieve ambitious waste diversion/zero waste goals.
- MN statute requires metro counties to prepare master plans every six years that identify strategies to meet the recycling goals and objectives in the state’s Metro Area Solid Waste Management Policy Plan.
- Learn about & give feedback to strengthen Hennepin County’s Draft Zero Waste Plan During our Oct 6, City County Climate Action Conference Zero Waste session www.beheardhennepin.org/zero-waste-future

Advancing State & Federal Policies
Action 40. Support State-Level Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Legislation
- Partnership on Waste & Energy MN EPR Timeline 2022 Legislative Platform

Hennepin County Zero Waste Plan Development 2022
In August 2021, the county board passed a resolution directing staff to develop an operational plan to map Hennepin County to a zero-waste future that includes a broad community engagement process with a strong focus on equity and disparity reduction. The county’s zero-waste resolution calls for a draft zero-waste plan to be presented at a Board Briefing in November 2022.
Hennepin County’s zero-waste vision is a waste management system where all materials are designed to become resources for others to use to systematically avoid and eliminate the volume and toxicity of waste and materials, conserve and recover all resources, and not burn or bury them. The key performance measure is diverting 90% or more of all discarded materials from landfills and incinerators.

Minneapolis will update its Zero Waste Plan – in 2022
In December 2017, the City Council adopted a Zero Waste Plan. Read the Zero Waste Plan 2017 The goals are to: ONE Educate residents and businesses about available programs. TWO Create new opportunities to reduce waste and recycle more. By increasing awareness and opportunity, we can divert more material from the trash.