EVENTS Join inspiring virtual events with RCC and/or our community partners.
City Action Teams Form a volunteer team or environmental commission to support your city to take the next steps toward sustainability and resilience. Host an RCC community education event online, at a library, with your congregation, or share your idea with us.
County Clusters Bring together cities in your county to find ways to work toward achieving community-wide equitable climate actions and resilience goals.
Topic Teams Start or join a topic team. Learn with others. Support one another in action for adopting equitable plans, sustainable building policies, low carbon transportation, organics collections, and other resilient city plans.
Peer Learning Networks Meet virtually with equitable climate leaders and volunteers active with local Sustainability Coalitions and Commissions, City staff with specific roles and our Student Leader Network and/or BIPOC Elected Leader Network.
Policy Team Elevate your voice on topics you care about. Partner with others who are monitoring policy developments, advocating for changes at the city, county, metro, and state levels.