- Cities & Counties Climate Action with American Rescue Plan Funds Monday Nov 15 6:30pm to 8:00pm on Zoom
- Please RSVP to receive zoom Link. Explore with Commission & citizen coalition volunteers ways our cities can make the most of future investments of American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds for economic recovery affordable housing, public health, climate resilience & workforce development. Facebook

Cities & Counties Climate Action with Federal Build Back Better Climate Funding Thurs Dec 2 Join us at 1pm or 6:30pm Zoom Conversation (Tentative Date, if the Build Back Better Package is approved before Thanksgiving) Please RSVP to receive the zoom Link
Option 1 Thurs 12/2 Afternoon1pm to 2:30pm RSVP
Option 2 Thurs 12/2 Evening6:30pm to 8:00pm RSVP

- Briefing and Q and A on Build Back Better Climate Funding – Dr. Peter Wyckoff, Energy and Environment Policy Advisor, Office of Senator Tina Smith (Invited Presenter)
- Topic Conversations – Transportation (E.V. Infrastructure, transit) Renewable Energy, Energy Efficient Housing, Climate Resilience, Green jobs/Workforce