Earth Week is just around the corner with Earth Day on April 22 and Arbor Day on April 28! Join us at an upcoming Earth Week event in the Twin Cities and make your voice heard for a sustainable and equitable planet!
Legislative updates
Great news! Substantial funds to support city and county level climate action are included in the MN House, Senate omnibus, Agriculture, Environment and Transportation Budget Bills and the Governor’s Budget Proposal. Here is a side by side comparison:
Types of funding, energy efficiency for public buildings, solar, community forestry, transit, bike/ped, E.V.s, climate resilience planning, MN Green Investment Financing Authority, matching funds for federal competitive grants, etc.
Learn more here: https://rccmn.co/policy-team/
Urban & Community Forestry (UCF) Program Funding Opportunity
The Inflation Reduction Act allocated $1.5 billion for the Urban and Community Forestry Program to aid tree-planting, urban forest planning and management in cities, with a focus on disadvantaged areas.

- MN Cities and Counties will soon be able to apply for competitive federal IIJA Community Forestry Funds
- The Federal Request For Proposals announcementis expected in April 2023
- If the MN DNR also receives $40 million in federal forestry funding, the MN DNR will announce future forestry competitive funding opportunities
Sign up for the MNSTAC e-news to find out if local organizations are coordinating efforts for a collaborative proposal with MN cities.
Upcoming Workshops and Grant Opportunities in the Twin Cities Metro
- How to build a raingarden for Scott County residents. – Wednesday, April 12, 6 p.m., Spring Lake Township Hall, 20381 Fairlawn Ave, Prior Lake. Free one-off workshop with Scott Soil & Water Conservation District on the basics of raingarden installation and maintenance from natural resource specialists. RSVP requested on Eventbrite.
- Sign up for Landscaping for Clean Water. This hybrid course series from Dakota County Soil & Water Conservation District teaches how to implement raingardens, native gardens, and shoreline restoration and offers grant opportunities for Dakota County residents. All of these practices can help reduce stormwater runoff pollution. Contact LCW@co.dakota.mn.us.
- Join the Dakota County Wetland Health Evaluation Program (WHEP) team for 2023. This volunteer monitoring program helps provide data on the health of our wetlands to Dakota County, VRWJPO, city governments, and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.
Wetlands are a crucial part of our ecosystems. Teams are typically city-based, with training provided. To sign up, click here. More program information at www.mnwhep.org.
- Buy trees and other plants native to Minnesota for your property. Both the Dakota and Scott SWCDs have ongoing low cost, high-quality native trees, plants, wildflower seed mixes and conservation products sales. Be sure to review information about getting the right trees for your land and how to care for them. Trees can help hold soil in place to reduce sediment pollution in our lakes and rivers.

Earth Week Celebration and Clean Up Events
Anoka County
Anoka County Parks Earth Day Celebration, Saturday April 22, 1-4 p.m. Wargo Nature Center, Lino Lakes, MN 55038.
Wargo Service Project.Before the Earth Day Celebration | 10 am – 12 p.m. Help benefit the natural environment surrounding Wargo. Call 763-324-3350 to sign up.
Dakota County
Apple Valley Eco-Advocates Earth Day Clean-Up Event. Saturday, April 22, 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. Quarry Point Park, 15725 Pilot Knob Road, Apple Valley, MN 55124, Grabbers, bags, as well as Donuts and Coffee provided! Sign up here.
Eagan Earth Week Cleanup, Drop in at the Lebanon Hills Visitor Center to receive your clean up assignments and supplies. All clean-up volunteers will receive an eco-friendly price! All week during earth week.
Vermillion River South Creek Cleanup with Lakeville Friends of the Environment: 8478 210th St., Lakeville,Saturday, April 22, 9 a.m., Wear work boots and gloves. Contact Deborah Nelson, deevee@charter.net
Lakeville Earth Day Celebration & Watershed Cleanup. Saturday, April 22, 11 a.m., , Lakeville Central Maintenance Facility, 7570 179th St. W, Lakeville. Sign up online with your group to do a cleanup.
Farmington Arbor Day Tree Planting – Wednesday, April 26, 10 a.m., Evergreen Knoll Park, 626 Heritage Way, Farmington. Bring gardening gloves.
Farmington Pond & Park Cleanup Event – May 6, 9 a.m. Individuals and groups are invited to do some outdoor spring cleaning in the city-owned parks and ponds. The city will provide volunteers with supplies and dispose of the trash collected. Contact Natural Resources Specialist Ed Rutledge by April 21 at 651-280-6842 or ERutledge@FarmingtonMN.gov.
Hastings Arbor Day Tree Planting – Friday, April 28, 1:30 p.m., Greten Park, 600 36th St., Hastings. Volunteer with the Hastings Parks and Recreation Department to plant trees. The City Forester will provide instruction. Bring work gloves and a pointed shovel or garden rake. Contact Paige Marschall Bigler at 651-480-6182 or pmarschall@hastingsmn.gov.
Hastings DIY Parks and Trails Cleanup – Choose a date and time that works for you and Hastings Parks & Recreation will assign you a park. The city will provide the supplies and dispose of the trash collected. Contact Paige Marschall Bigler at 651-480-6182 or pmarschall@hastingsmn.gov.
Rosemount Arbor Day Celebration & Tree Giveaway – Saturday, April 29, 10 a.m., Rosemount Public Works Facility, 14425 Brazil Ave, Rosemount. The City will be giving away a variety of tree species to the first 150 Rosemount residents who provide proof of residency. One tree per household. Contact Lacelle Cordes at 651-322-6011 or lacelle.cordes@rosemountmn.gov.
Hennepin County
Eden Prairie Parks cleanup: Saturday, April 15 and Sunday, April 16 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at various city parks around Eden Prairie
Champlin Earth Day cleanup: Thursday, April 20 from 5 to 7 p.m. at Andrews Park in Champlin
Reuse for All: Edina Community Clothing Swap: Thursday, April 20 from 4 to 8 p.m. at Braemar Arena’s Backyard Rink in Edina
Earth Day 5K Bee Run and river cleanup: Saturday, April 22 from 9 a.m. to noon at Boom Island Park in Minneapolis
Shingle Creek cleanup: Saturday, April 22 from 9 a.m. to noon at the Centennial Park Amphitheater in Brooklyn Center
Minneapolis Earth Day cleanup: Saturday, April 22 from 9:30 a.m. to noon at multiple sites
Longfellow Community Council Earth Day Mississippi River cleanup: Saturday, April 22 from 10 a.m. to noon at Mississippi Gorge Regional Park in Minneapolis
Fridley Environmental Fun Fair: Saturday, April 22 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Springbrook Nature Center in Fridley
Corcoran Community Cleanup. April 15, 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Bags and grabbers provided. Corcoran Park (to cover 35th St. and Cedar) and in front of the Cielo Sin Limites Coop (at 22nd Ave & 31st Street). For questions call Sean Goswieski, 612 250-0389 https://rccmn.co/water/
Earth Day Cleanup at Lake Hiawatha. April 22, 9:00a.m. -12:00p.m. at Lake Hiawatha Recreation Center, 2701 E 44th St, Minneapolis, MN 55406. Rain or Shine. Free donuts and coffee
Earth Day 2023 – Fight Environmental Racism. April 22, 1:00p.m. – 3:00p.m. at 28th Street and Longfellow Ave S, Minneapolis MN
River Gorge Earth Day cleanup and advocacy art build + picnic, Apr 22 , 10:30a.m. – 1:30 p.m., West River Parkway and 44th Street, Minneapolis, MN
Ramsey County
Earth Day Clean Up & Garden Workday. April 22 from 9 a.m .to noon. Tamarack Nature Center. All ages welcome.
Central Ave. Earth Day Clean-Up. Saturday, April 22 · 9am. Columbia Heights Public Library 3939 Central Ave. NE Columbia Heights, MN 55421.
3rd Annual Earth Day Clothing Swap. Saturday, April 22 · 11am – 4pm. 18 7th St E 218 7th Street East, Saint Paul, MN 55101
Rice County
Earth Day @ The Organic Compound | Live Music From Chances R Good. ,Sat, Apr 22, 4:00p.m. -10 :00p.m. Organic Compound, 18125 Eiler Ave, Faribault, MN
Northfield Earth Day Celebration, Sat. April 22, 1:00p.m. – 4:00p.m., Bridge Square, Northfield, MN
Annual Arbor Day tree giveaway, April 28 from 3:30pm – 5:00pm, Rice County Fairgrounds1900 Fairgrounds Dr., Faribault, MN 55021. The giveaway will take place as a drive through, minimal-contact event. Everyone is welcome to drive through the Fairgrounds and select a free tree or shrub seedling.