City & County Climate Action to Build Back Better with Federal Infrastructure Funds

Thursday Dec 2 Join us at 1pm or 6:30pm on Zoom

Option 1 Thurs 12/2 Afternoon1pm to 2:30pm RSVP

Option 2 Thurs 12/2 Evening6:30pm to 8:00pm RSVP

  • Briefing and Q and A on New Federal Infrastructure funding to become available for MN cities and counties & ways to advance climate solutions – Dr. Peter Wyckoff, Energy and Environment Policy Advisor, Office of Senator Tina Smith
  • County Commissioners – share opportunities to coordinate & leverage local investments to improve infrastructure, expand transit, reduce VMT & build resilience.
  • Topic Conversations – Transportation (E.V. Infrastructure, transit) Infrastructure (broad band and water) Climate Resilience, Green jobs/Workforce

After the event the Webinar Recording will be posted here.